Disclaimer: The following is a monthly report provided by the founders. This document updates the progress made by the team, main metrics, successes, and challenges to become the platform for team bonding activities.

Hey everyone,

<aside> 📑 Why are we building Onsite.fun? → We want to increase the human bonding and wellness of remote teams. Employee's are feeling more anxious and isolated than ever from their peers and teammates. We help teams and organizations improve relationships and gain trust.


TL;DR: As expected, January has been weaker in absolute terms, lower GBV across the board and harder to onboard new companies as many teams were focusing internally to prepare their own annual strategic plan. We now offer 23 activities, created 2 new blog posts, captured 2 new clients and talked with 5 new leads. Out of the conversations we held in Dec20 we have been working to increase our L&D type of activities and a more compelling platform for organizations to manage their teams.



Other Metrics:

The good: